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10 Ways to Supercharge Your Email Marketing Efforts

10 Ways to Supercharge Your Email Marketing Efforts

Email marketing remains one of the most popular ways businesses can nurture leads, build the necessary impressions to convert prospects, and maintain relationships with current clientele. With this popularity, however, comes plenty of competition for attention in recipients’ inboxes. This means you must do everything you can to make your email marketing as effective as possible.

Let’s review ten things we recommend you prioritize as you work toward this goal.

What Can You Do to Make Your Marketing Emails Optimally Effective?

1. Educate Before Selling

As we’ll discuss later, the email format requires consent before you can use it. By law, you must give your audience an easy out should they ever decide they no longer want to receive your messages. This means that your email content needs to provide value. If all of the emails you send are hard sells—or even soft sales pitches—your audience will get sick of getting them.

By treating your emails as an opportunity to educate, you can infuse them with the value that will motivate your audience to receive them and read them. If you consistently do this over time, you’ll cement the idea of your company as a resource for certain needs in their mind, making you the first one they think of when they encounter those needs. Pair that with the trust you’ve developed through educating them and proving your knowledge, and you’re much more likely to convert them.

2. Segment Your Audience

Ideally, you’ll communicate via email to various people and companies with significantly diverse needs that you can fulfill. However, addressing all of these needs to everyone is inefficient at best and can alienate your contacts at worst. This can be addressed by dividing up your contact lists based on various factors.

You may have many clients and customers who operate in a specific industry and have specific needs as a result. Separating them into a list to which you send your emails that specifically address these needs helps you communicate what you need to communicate without overwhelming those to whom these messages don’t really apply.

3. Time Your Emails Properly

Timing can make a big difference in how well your emails are received. Sending them at the right time, instead of the wrong time, could influence whether they’re buried at the bottom of a stack of messages or appear at the top of the list. It will be important to identify when your specific audience tends to check their emails and time your messages to match.

4. Keep the Fold in Mind

The space “above the fold” is considered prime real estate in the newspaper publishing industry. Since then, this same terminology has translated to websites and emails to signify the space visible without having to scroll. You want your message—your headline and call-to-action—to be visible without the reader needing to scroll, making it more likely to be seen and absorbed, even if they don’t dive into the message itself.

5. Keep Mobile in Mind, Too

More and more email recipients are using their mobile devices to check their inboxes regularly, meaning that your emails need to be responsive so they can be clearly and easily viewed on mobile devices.

Fortunately, most email platforms handle that for you, but your emails should still be written concisely. Given the relatively limited real estate a mobile device's display offers, this will make your messages easier for your contacts to read and interact with.

6. Test What Works Best

Just like any marketing effort you execute, the success of your email-based campaigns should always be tracked so that you can repeat and improve upon them. You should do everything possible to optimize every element of your emails, from the subject line to the post-script.

To do so properly, you should conduct something called an A/B test. Picking one variable at a time, write a few different versions of the same email and send them out to a few different batches of contacts. Whichever gets the best response, use that and move on to the next variable. This kind of testing should be indefinite, as more improvements can always be made.

7. Match Your Emails to Your Landing Pages

Generally speaking, you should use your emails to drive your recipients to dedicated landing pages to capture their attention and have them inquire more directly about your services. In pursuit of this, your messaging between the two should match both in tone and intention. An email referencing a particular service you offer should lead to a landing page highlighting that service and its benefits.

8. Invest Time in Your Subject Lines

You only have so much room to entice your recipient to open an email in the subject line. So, it only makes sense to take the time to polish your subject lines so they are as engaging and interesting as possible. There are various means to do this, whether by implying urgency or openly sharing what the email offers.

9. Keep Your Lists Clean

While sending your marketing emails to as many contacts as possible may be tempting, doing so will skew your success metrics and give you less reliable data on which to base future decisions. Instead, it is better to review your subscriber lists and prune those who don’t regularly interact with your messages or shift them to less frequent communications.

10. Prioritize Compliance

Finally, we need to address the CAN-SPAM aspect of it all. If your marketing emails don’t meet the guidelines and requirements this piece of legislation outlines, they will not be nearly as effective as they need to be—provided they can be delivered at all. Part of this is ensuring that your recipients can opt out of receiving your messages and control how you can use their data.