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The Ultimate Social Media Rig

Become a Part of Your Brand's Legacy

Market your organization, engage your clients, and track your invested time all with one powerful set of tools combined with training and best practices to put you in control of your social marketing campaign. The Ultimate Social Media Rig is designed to condition you and your staff into Social Media Champions!

Take Advantage of Social Networks

Directive's Ultimate Social Media Rig is designed to take advantage of popular social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linked.In. The Ultimate Social Media Rig bundles a series of tools that aid in streamlining the process of keeping fans and followers up-to-date with your company culture, brands, news, and promotions. Coupled with powerful research tools, no-nonsense workflow procedures, and powerful analytics, your organization will be armed with the most powerful marketing capabilities on the Web. The Ultimate Social Media Rig will compliment any traditional marketing campaign.

Social media is only as rewarding as you make it; and having the right tools isn't everything. The Ultimate Social Media Rig includes hands-on training to get you and your organization up to speed with the best practices and etiquettes you'll need to manage an effective social media campaign.


Social Networks

Facebook: With well over 350 million current users and 700,000 new users joining each day, Facebook is by far the most popular social network on the planet. Facebook has become a major player in the world of online advertising with precise targeted ads. However, what Facebook does best can be even more powerful than an ad. Facebook is an extremely viral, word-of-mouth driven network that will allow you to communicate publicly to fans and engage in discussion.

Twitter: The popular micro-blogging site has taken the world by storm, and has become a favorite venue for news sources, celebrities, CEOs, small businesses, and just about everyone else. Twitter's claim to fame is perhaps in its simplistic concept: In 140 characters or less, communicate what you are doing. On average, about 5 million tweets are posted per day worldwide. Twitter is a fantastic tool for communicating with your customers and community, as well as finding new, relevant leads.

Linked.In: With over 50 million members, including executives from all Fortune 500 companies, Linked.In is a professional network for businesses in virtually every industry. Linked.In is a great tool for gaining insight and resources from other professionals, collaborating, and seeking out new opportunities.


Setup your own rig with our Ultimate Social Media Rig project plan!

Key Features:

  • Social Media Network Setup and Customization

  • Facebook Privacy Assistance

  • Google+, Flickr, Pinterest Setup

  • Hootsuite Configuration

  • Centralized Alerts and Notifications Hub

  • Analytics via Google Analytics

  • Social Network Best Practice Training


  • Facebook for Business Guide

  • Twitter for Business Guide

  • VIP Access to Future Social Media Webinars hosted by Directive

  • Update all your social networks with a single text or email

  • Set up workflows and scheduled updates

  • Confidence in your ability to manage and control a successful social media campaign for your organization.